HIV Test Kit At Home in Private, HIV Testing made easy home and mobile users get tested with high quality Medical Diagnostic Kit.
Here are some of the reasons to use in the privacy of your home our diagnostic kit, Its Fast and reliable result, High level of accuracy (99.8%), Discreet and anonymous testing so know your status, Frequent testing made easy anytime anywhere, Evaluated and accepted by world organizations such as WHO & US AID, Products is certified by ISO 13485 (International Medical Devices Standard) and GMP, The test kits are used by professionals to diagnose their patients in hospitals and clinics.
How to use the kit: 1. Wash Hands, Bring all components to room temperature, Clean finger with alcohol swab 2.Remove cap from the safety lancet 3. Place white end of lancet against finger 4. Press the lancet firmly against finger until a click is heard, 5. Draw up blood into plastic pipette, 6. Deliver one drop of blood into the well marked, 7. Add 2 drops of the sample diluents into the well marked, 8. Wait for 15 minutes to interpret the results. Points to remember: Use the HIV test kit once only, Dispose of all items properly after use, Use the test within 10 minutes of opening, Do not use an HIV test kit after its expiry date. How to read HIV test results: Now that you have done the test, HIV Negative result in one line only, two lines indicate a positive reading (Seek Medical Opinion) no lines means no results (Redo Test). Please note this offer is for ONE KIT ONLY for once off test, see online for similar products on offer. Get Tested Know Your Status know your Partners!
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